Hell Gette

Ol‘ Neptune‘s Only Daughter – SCHAUFENSTER JUNGE KUNST


In Hell Gette’s (*1986 in Karabulak, Kazakhstan, lives and works in Munich) paintings, the world is made up of superimposed layers. The artist draws on the digital aesthetics of our time by populating her canvases with emojis or applying Photoshop tools painterly. Even if the works seem to be digital collages, painting is always present. Pasty, almost three-dimensional sections are juxtaposed with artificial-looking color gradients that incorporate the selection palette of digital image editing programs. Oil pastel drawings in turn open up new pictorial levels.
Hell Gette’s exhibition Ol’ Neptune’s Only Daugther at the Schaufenster junge Kunst is a computer game in oil on canvas based on Homer’s Odyssey. When mythology meets popular culture, gods become emojis or viewers take on the first-person shooter perspective of computer games, these landscapes 3.0 become world views in which the now is discharged. Scenarios emerge that are as confused, fragile and intense as the present.

Curator: Hannah Eckstein
Curatorial assistant: Marisa Zeising

The exhibitions in the Schaufenster junge Kunst are supported by the Helmut-Fischer Foundation

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